Three unique presentations and panel discussions were held inside Witwen Park’s tabernacle. Topics explored connections between agri/culture, community, and the land, and examined their intertwined futures.

  • Gary Paul Nabhan, a renowned ethnobotanist and prolific author, gave a reading from latest his book, Agave Spirits: The Past, Present, and Future of Mezcals followed by a talkback with Savanna Institute Director, Keefe Keeley which highlighted surprising connections between agricultural practices in Wisconsin and Mexico.

  • Ruth Conniff gave a reading from Milked: How an American Crisis Brought Together Midwestern Dairy Farmers and Mexican Workers followed by a discussion with Puentes/Bridges President, Mercedes Falk; Wisconsin dairy farmer John Rosenow; and a Wisconsin dairy farm worker from Mexico, Roberto Tecpile.

  • Erica Ruggiero led a talk on the history of Witwen Park & Campground, from early beginnings as a rural picnic grove, to its transformation into a church campground, to its current use as a community gathering place.