Catherine Schwalbe

Catherine Schwalbe’s art explores aging, agriculture, nature and science, the concepts of plenty and want, reuse, food systems, and being human through a variety of media including high-fired clay, artist books, events, growing, installation, found objects, relational works, fiber and cast metal. Why sometimes corn and corn culture? Because it is solidly Midwestern, like the artist, who has found through the deep exploration of corn, more than its history and imagery, but the fundamentals of humanity itself.

For the 2022 DTour, I will present a new iteration of a 2022 work outlining the footprint of the world’s largest tree (measured by volume), a sequoia from Northern California, and beloved tourist destination. This 36’ across work, like the tree, inspires awe in me and maybe you.”

Statistics about the General Sherman Tree

Height above Base

274.9 ft

Circumference at Ground

102.6 ft

Maximum Diameter at Base

36.5 ft

Diameter 60' (18.3 m) above base

17.5 ft

Diameter 180' (54.9 m) above base

14.0 ft

Diameter of Largest Branch

6.8 ft

Height of First Large Branch above the Base

130.0 ft

Average Crown Spread

106.5 ft

Truth by Cathi Schwalbe, word mowed into hillside, 2011 Farm/Art DTour.