Thank you to everyone who submitted a Roadside Poetry entry! We received an overwhelming number of strong poems in response to our open call making the selection process very competitive.

Of the 80+ entries, five were selected for installation along the DTour route by authors:
Alanna Medearis, Barbara L. Garvoille, Karl Koweski, Lish Ciambrone, and Mike Walker.
Keep your eyes peeled for their works when traveling the DTour!
Given the tight competition, we also selected six honorable mentions:
Don’t get lost
in the land of kings.
Lose yourself
to deeper things.
- Cari Tenadu
The starlings sample
their repertoire
The clear weep
and call of thrushes
heard the day before
- Chuck Stebelton
Uff-da, loofah
Lefse and lounge
Okra and oranges
Call in the
- Erin Passehl
Small town islands
in a farmland stream
Have you ever heard
grow in your dreams?
- Grace Vosen
Cooper’s hawk talk
caught my ear, my eye
perched treetop high
regal cloud explorer
soothsayer of sky…
- Michelle Kogan
Ancestral family farms
embraced by
contented cows
- Paula Washow